Monday 31 March 2014

Runtime error when creating SharePoint 2013 Pulishing site

Today, I received a very strange error when creating a sub publishing site in SharePoint 2013. I received the below error runtime error with the famous yellow screen.

I am surprised to see this error and I have full control to the site and uls logs says access denied to one of the mobile channel list. I wondered what is mobile channel list is, then after much searching I have found that there is a new feature introduced in SharePoint 2013 called device channels.

With Device channel in SharePoint 2013, you can render a single publishing site in multiple ways by using different designs that target different devices like Mobile, i-Pad etc.

In order to resolve this error, you need to grant at least read only access to all the users to this device channel list or break the unique permissions to this list. Device channel list is hidden and can be accessible via site settings -> Device Channels

Thus to solve the above error while creating the sub publishing site, at least provide read only permission to sub site owners at device channel list.

Hope this must have saved lot of your time.

Isha Jain


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