Friday 15 November 2013

Add Custom Web Parts to a page and Connect them using PowerShell

These days I am working heavily on SharePoint CSOM and BCS (Business Connectivity Services). I have created a sandbox package with multiple custom business data and html form data web parts.

The reason why I am writing this blog is to share with you some of the cool stuffs I did with PowerShell in the project.

I have written many automation scripts to create web part page, add web parts to this page and then connect to them on a single click using PowerShell.

First thing first…

1.       Create a web part page using PowerShell:

2.       Add web part to this page:

3.       Connect web parts in a page: In this script I have shown how we can connect

a.       Query String filter Web Part with Business Data List Web Part

b.      Query String filter Web Part with Business Data Item Web Part

c.       Business data List Web Part with Business Data Item Builder Web Part


Have Fun!

Isha Jain


  1. Thank you so much. Your article provide the most accessible answer and exemples that I found on the topic "How to connect sharepoint webpart view and webpart filter using powershell". Especially to correct the bug 'The provider connection point "default value" son "g_guid" and the transformer are not using the same connection interface'.

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  4. Thanks for sharing! I was inspired by your post to create one myself :-)

    Connect SharePoint Web Parts programatically with PowerShell
